Exclusions - ARTS

Please check below that your proposed project is not excluded:
Charities with the arts as a secondary or partial purpose

The Trust is unable to consider applications from charities with a different primary focus e.g. charities helping young people into employment.

To be eligible for support, charities must work within the arts sector and be constituted with the purpose of delivering high quality, professional performing arts or visual arts programmes.  Anticipated eligible charities include theatres, galleries, orchestras, opera, ballet, and theatre companies.

Charities without at least two sets of Annual Returns listed on the Charities Commission website will not be considered.  If a charity's reporting is listed as not being up to date, this will also render the organisation ineligible.

Ineligible participant age and career stage

The Trust does not fund:

  • programmes for young people under 18 years of age or gap year students;
  • programmes with the purpose of introducing people to the arts;
  • programmes helping people prepare for entry to graduate-level training or similar
Ineligible projects or programmes

The Trust does not fund:

  • management training, outreach and administrative career development;
  • programmes that benefit just one person;
  • commissioning of new works, tours, performances, productions, festivals or exhibitions - unless part of a programme to develop the skills of early-stage professionals;
  • Programmes providing training to facilitate creative workshops